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Avra Xepapadakou & Eleni Papalexiou, "Observation participative en Italie : 'La terra dei Lombrichi', mise en scène de Chiara Guidi"

Avra Xepapadakou & Eleni Papalexiou, "Observation participative en Italie : 'La terra dei Lombrichi', mise en scène de Chiara Guidi"

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "Creating a Contemporary Performing Arts Archive"

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "Creating a Contemporary Performing Arts Archive"

International Conference: Archives – borders, identities, reflections, 6th Croatian ICARUS Days, 25-26 March 2021.

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "Archives as Repository, archives as value: Managing a Living Archive"

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "Archives as Repository, archives as value: Managing a Living Archive"

CREARCH Project Training Webinar "Creative European Archives as Innovative Cultural Hubs", 02.06.2020

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "The European Projects 'ARGOS' and 'CREARCH' as examples of good practices"

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "The European Projects 'ARGOS' and 'CREARCH' as examples of good practices"

Infoday “Funding Opportunities for cultural organisations: Prospects and Possibilities” | Vouleftiko, Nafplio city, 27.02.2020.

E. Papalexiou; A. Xepapadakou; V. Vraka, "The living archive. Recording contemporary artistic creation in the digital era"

E. Papalexiou; A. Xepapadakou; V. Vraka, "The living archive. Recording contemporary artistic creation in the digital era"

3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage-EuroMed 2019 | University of West Attica, Athens, 25-27.09.2019

E. Papalexiou, "Presentation of the EU-Creative Europe Projects CREARCH & ARGOS"

E. Papalexiou, "Presentation of the EU-Creative Europe Projects CREARCH & ARGOS"

Meeting for the implementation of the "Creative Europe" Programme | Ministry of Culture, Creative Europe Desk, Athens, 13.03.2019

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "Presentation of the Archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio"

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "Presentation of the Archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio"

CREARCH Project Kick-off Meeting | Fondazione Banco di Napoli - Il Cartastorie, Naples, 15-16.10.2018

E. Papalexiou, "A Greek-Italian collaboration in the fields of theatre studies, performing arts and archival science: the archive of Romeo Castellucci & Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio"

E. Papalexiou, "A Greek-Italian collaboration in the fields of theatre studies, performing arts and archival science: the archive of Romeo Castellucci & Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio"

First Greek-Italian platform | Ministry of Culture, The Acropolis Museum, Athens, 26.05.2018

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "Seminar Romeo Castellucci | Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio"

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "Seminar Romeo Castellucci | Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio"

Dubitanda | Cyprus Theatre Organization, Nicosia, Cyprus, 22-23.11.2017

E. Papalexiou, "The Value of the Living Archive"

E. Papalexiou, "The Value of the Living Archive"

Perspectives of interdisciplinary events research, HHN-Hochschule Heilbronn International Summer School, Ancient Epidaurus, 24.06.2017

E. Papalexiou, A. Xepapadakou & V. Vraka, "The Archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio"

E. Papalexiou, A. Xepapadakou & V. Vraka, "The Archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio"

1st Conference of Music Libraries, Archives & Documentation Centres, The Greek branch of IAML, "Megaron" Athens Concert Hall, 04.04.2017

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "Newbies Carousel: The ARCH Project"

E. Papalexiou & A. Xepapadakou, "Newbies Carousel: The ARCH Project"

ICARUS Meeting #18, Budapest, 17-19.10.2016

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