
The ARCH Project: Archival Research & Cultural Heritage
Τhe Archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio
The archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio is preserved at the Teatro Comandini, the headquarters of the company since 1991. The theatre is located in the historic centre of the Italian city of Cesena, in the province of Emilia Romagna in Northern Italy.
The archive holds rare documentary resources of major importance. The most unique and therefore most valuable material is that which concerns the primary creative process such as: dramaturgy (containing plays, scripts and notes), theory (early manifesti, theoretical texts), director’s notebooks and notes, designs, drawings and visual materials.
Apart from creative material, the archive contains six further categories of items: photographs, sound and vision (original films, videos of performances and rehearsals in analogue and digital format), promotional and publicity material (programmes, flyers, posters, press releases, announcements), press (reviews, interviews, articles, theatre criticism), production material (various technical riders and tour sheets), correspondence and administrative documents.
In 2015 the Italian Ministry of Culture has declared the Archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio of major historical interest and importance.
At the current time the archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio is still being processed, and therefore access to it is for the present restricted to those actively working on the archiving project.